We, the sovereign don’t buy promises, we sign contracts!

with a Candidate for Member of the European Parliament


Today …………… 20….  between …………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………     ID  No. ……………………. as a candidate for MEP, referred hereafter refered as MANDATORY

 and ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ID ……………………… as an elector hereafter referred as MANDATOR in person or as representative of a meeting held on …. ……………. 20 … in ………………, …………………………………. phone /e-mail ………………………….. both hereafter referred as PARTIES, 

 the following CONTRACT was signed as follows:

 Not later than three  months after taking office as MEP  the MANDATORY shall  submitproposals to all  relevant institutions (and  mainsteem media) for introduction of new civil rights as specified below for allEU citizens to exercise directly their legislative, executive, judicial and media sovereign power at all levels (European, national and local) by Eropean referendum after widest public  deliberation in open non-partisan ward assemblies throughtout Europe and in 3 FORUMS where 200-300 citizens in each selected by lot from a 3 groups of member-states and assisted by experts elaborate independently 3 alternative drafts to be voted by the people:

1.1.The right to call all-European referenda by  signatures of 1,5 % of all EU voters from at least seven member-states collected in 18 months without  restrictions in  subject and any quorum for validity;

1.2. Right to call national referenda by the signatures of not more than 1,5 of qualified voters  in the member-state collected in 9 months without restriction in  subject and any quorum for validity;

1.3. Institute the ward non-partisan General Assemblie as permament  public institutions and place  for delibertation on public issues and joint action at all levels;

1.4. Right to recall all elected public servants, incl. MEPs by the signatures of 20% of all votes casted in the election of these servants;

1.5. Right to directly elect and recall prosecutors, judges and chiefs of local police  departments at all levels;

1.6. Guaranteed right of access to any public information in all (European and  national) public  institutions;

1.7. Rights of access to the  airwaves and to news generation by 1000 signatures in public and mainstream media at all levels in the Union;

1.8. Direct monitoring of public media at national  and Union level by civic observers selected by lot from a pool of educated volunteers;

1.9. Right to directly refer to Constitutional courts in all member-states;

1.10. Civic monitoring selected by lot in all public institutions;

1.11. Right of legislative initiative at European and national level by  the signatures of 0.2 % of the  electors and drafting the legislative proposals in civic forums of 100-200-300 citizens selected by lot and assisted by experts;

1.12. Right of EU citizens to start all-European and all-national  opinion polls on their own questions  by 100 000 / 5000 signatures;

1.13. Right to collect signatures and vote by Internet.

2. The MANDATORY resigns as MEP if she/he failes to observe this contract or is recalled on request of 80% of thevoters that have nominated her/him, or 80% of the electoral quota while the initiators recover 10% of the election expenses if the recalled MP is re-elected;

 3The MANDATORY consults his activities as MEP, incl. funds received with the MANDATOR, registered  in open social media groups.

 4. Upon breach of thiscontract the MANDATORY pays 2000 (two thousand) EURО  to the MANDATOR.

 5. The MANDATORY signs this contract with any other (representative of) ward Assembly asking for that before and/or after elections.

 6. The MANDATOR shall support MANDATORY’s efforts to establish  the above  mentioned rights  and institutional instruments by all means available to him.

 MANDATOR: ……………………………………              MANDATORY: …………………………………….

name: …..……………………………………………….       name: ……………………….………………………………

……………..……………………………………………….       ……………………….…………………………………………

(as representative of Gen. Assembly, held  on

……………….. 20 …. in …………………………………

tel. / email …………………………………………….