Tools of Freedom

– аlternative to fake-democracy

(open code)

       NB: There is no personal freedom without public freedom.

Hanna Arendt

  1. Right to call referenda by 50-100 000/200 000 signatures (law/ constitution) without a quorum for validity and forbidden questions or other cunning constraints in procedure. (Remove the wall of 400 000 signatures collected in 3 months, NO tounallowed questions, NO to quorum for validity!)
  1. Right to call referenda in the EU by 3 000 000 signatures, collected in 18 months in 7+ member-states (proportionally to number of population).
  2. Right of legislative initiative for citizens by 50 000, resp. by 1 000 000 signatures in EU (collected in 12 months in 6+ member-states by all means, incl. Internet) on ALL legislative issues, incl. Union treaties with state-funded drafting of alternatives by paid CIVIC FORUMS of 100-200 citizens selected by lot from a list of educated volunteers, assisted by experts.
  1. Right to collect signatures and vote ON-LINE in Bulgaria and the EU.
  1. RIGHT to recall all elected public officials in Bulgaria and EU by 20 000 – 30 000, resp. 200 000 – 300 000 signatures (collected in at least 10 Member States proportionally to the number of population).
  2. Direct access of citizens to public airwaves in prime time daily with civic monitoring in studio – both in Bg and EU.
  3. Direct election of heads and executive boards in public media, the members of Council for Electronic Media (the ”ministry of truth”) and rising the number of EB members up to 25-30 including representatives of science and culture.
  1. Right of the citizens by e.g. 500-1000 signatures to ‘make’ NEWS broadcasted for two days in all news emissions of public and mainstream media.
  1. Direct election and recall by the citizens of prosecutors, judges and the heads of the police stations in Bulgaria and relevant EU courts and the other institutions.
  1. 12-18 civic jurors selected by lot deciding in cases of serious crimes and high public interest.
  1. Direct election and recall by citizens of some ministers (finance, education, justice) and commissioners in the European Commission.
  1. Civic monitoring in all public institutions, e.g. prosecution, judicial inspectorate, public media by volunteers selected by lot from lists open to all relevantly educated citizens.
  1. Majority civic quota selected by lot in Central and Regional Electoral Commissions(Counting votes without citizens is a crime!)
  1. General assemblies – Clubs of freedom in the wards, neighborhoods and polling units connected each to each without parties, NGOs and other mediators, negotiating demands and joint all-national / all-European action. (NO appointed “public councils”, NO GNGOs, NO “round tables” with pass).
  1. Security armed squads in neighbourhoods selected by citizens in small localities.
  1. Compulsory basic and civic education(illiterates are dough in others’ hands)
  1. Every educated citizen serves a period (6 months) in public office – ministries, municipalities, customs, etc. selected by lot.
  1. Right to state-funded public opinion polls by 1000, resp. 10 000 signatures in Bulgaria, resp. EU.
  2. Right of citizens to directly refer to the Constitutional Courts.
  1. All changes in Constitution, EU treaties and laws concerning elections, referendums and other forms of direct involvement of citizens in public government are submitted to people’s vote in referenda.

 ADD your idea!  

Civic Participation and Direct Democracy SocietySofia